you jump of a clif..i laugh

you jump of a clif..i laugh

red fox

red fox

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Aaron Fa'Aoso

hey!well we had a mad ass guy call Aaron Fa'Aoso come up, and we got to hang out with him due to him coming and seeing us, he talked to us about not letting people telling us we cant do any thing that we wont, he was encouraging.he opened up to us and told us what his life has been like, and he encouraged us to keep at school, till year12. and told us how he got kicked out of one school and how he went to another instead of just saying all well.he talked about how he made the change between being a football player to a up and coming movie star, he also talked about the different options, that are open to him (and could be open to any of us if, we try) like script righting, directing and acting, he talked a lot on how if we try any thing is possible to us, and how much it helps if you have your education.At the end of the day Aaron was really encouraging helpfull, and made me think what do i wont to do, and how much education helps you.(at the end of the day it really is about what you DO know)

end of year

i cant believe its all most the end of year 10 already!!!
we did our test last week, that was fun....NOT!!!
but any ways you know to get that. don't know if I'm going onto year 12, but it looks like i might be, i think i might, like what else would i be doing in the next 2years that cant wait two years right?

so anyways, i cant believe Ive been here two years already, i would love to be here next year, there are only 3original girls left me, flick and bella, but hey bella is leaving, so soon there will be 2left from 3, but thats alot lest then what started we had like 12plus girls but hey like i said b4 you get that.

so we are starting to do that tafe invites for the end of should be good

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

im 16 almost and one too many drinks!!

Im all most 16!!!! oh yea!
so im happy to be 16 but there is no rish any more, its become like every one said just another number witch really sucks!
maybe it will get better when i wake up, it will be back(i can only hope right)
so anyways, im getting my nosie pissed to morra, for my b'day, cause i have wonted it sine i was like 10 and mum said if i still wonted it done when i turned 16 she would pay for it on my birthday so yay.

okay, so was does like have to be so full on sometimes, its like you need a time out from it sometimes, or you just wont to go back in time and change that one thing, like that oe sentence or that one move ment, or that one to many drinks.
like last night i went out with friends, and we got a cabben and every thing, and spent allmost $200 on grog alone. so it started out good, i got one of my good guy friends to come out to(but he dint drink)and have fun.
trust me he got the better side of things that night, he got the high lights, and was jus as funni as us but with out being drunk.
so before i go into the downs about what happend ill tell ya about the high lights(most of them turn out to not be so good,), free grog for me, free smokes, got to spend the night with friends,
but things i shouldnt have done was, drink on a emty stomic(never a good idea,)and scolled 2blue pules a red one and two woddy plus ontop every thing else i had to drink that night, taht was my first big no no.(I BLAME EVERY THING ON THE GROG)one of the other no no's i did was flirt around with a male friend who has a girlfriend, but the one big thing that pissed me off about all of it was the facked that we just went for a walk and talk, and cause they didnt see us we must of been "fucking", one of my new friends was telling me befor hand not to do anything with him, but yet she got him to give her a hikkie and she was flirting with him at one stage more then me(i dont class it has flirting cause all i was doing was lounging about on him)but hey what ya goin to do, but for real lounging on someone is not flirting, cause if it was then i was doing it with every one that was in the cabben with us, and them with me, i say it was in the name of fun.
The night went so wrong when (lets call them)billy and kerry stated to fight, and it wasnt just one thing it was over every thing, our fun night went strate to hell
but one thing is that i kno i will be remembering it for a lil longer, cause some how i mange to slice into my toe, the funni bit is i didnt feel i thing untill now, now it really really hurts!
and i have to go to work with it :(

okay some good news i finally got a job, but i got it a hungrys, but i dont care got to start some were and why not start some where,were you no people!
and plus i look at it this way i get paid at the end of the week!!!!OH YEA!!!!

well im going to have to leave it there untill the next big night happens

bye xox

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


ummm.....well im bord, im baby sitting for kris and all 4 kids are asleep and there's a cake in the oven, for kels b'day to morra.
i hope it goes good for her.
so anyways im still not at skool but i should be there next week, any ways
i have a major time infection in my ear where i have my upper ear done, and its getting bad, i think im going to have to pull it out, cause where the ear usally bends over up near the top its that swolen that, there is not bend it flat, so im starting to get a bit worred about it, but hey what would life be like if you never had your mind ]on something to ponder and worry about?

i get my L's in two months time im sooo happy i cant belive it, and im also getting my nosie done i hope it dont end up to be any thing like my ear,
but for my L's i have my first victem lined up, and ever one is like oh no , its like they all think im going to crash it or something! i hope i dont i dont think i would be able to give nick the money for his car to be fixed up ;s

well i gotta go cheek this cake so talk later bye xxx

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


ahh i hate being sick!

taking time of skool, is always a good thing in lil amounts, but when your home all week and sick and not alowed to do anything, then it becomes a big thing and that when it really does suck!!!

so anyways, when i baby sat for kris, her lil boi nas, is sick and i got it!
but hey what fun would lyf be if you didnt get sick sometimes?
so today, mum and me went around asking if any one would like to help with some found raising for RSPCA and some place's did but one of them gave us this lamp to give away in a raffel and i think it is the most uglyest thing i have ever seen, and i mean that in a nice kinda way so anyways, tafe starts up again soon, so that will be good,im kinda looking forward to that :)
well anyways i dont kno that so say so cya

Monday, July 16, 2007

baby sitting

we yesterday i baby sat for kris(tafe teacher)i baby sat nas and laney, it was fun, it got of to a bit of a bad start, but then it was all good with in 10-15mins after kris left i had the both of them LOL!

They we're so cute, and it was sort of a good thing that we we're on a a bit of land, cause you know when some ids LOL they like to yell and scream,we they started to do that and LOL so, i think if people had been able to hear that they would of been think i was trying to kill them of something!(but i wasnt )

well on sunday, i got to talk ad catch up with an friend i hadnt really seen, and any ways, we we're walking around taking people's P plates, but her bf was a bit (how do you say) not happy about it, and got her to put back the one's she got from people we know, but the funni thing is that she told me after that, later they went around doing it after he had been up set about it.

so anyways i went back to skool today yay!!!!(NOT).
we had to go see this guy speek it had to do with next gen so that was okay, i kept thinking about other things tho, but i seem to do that when ever i have to sit in a room and lisin to some one speek, like come i do it at skool, and evrn when i go to church some times it happens there too!
but its gotten worse since i got my mp3, but hey what can i say in my defence, im just keeping up with the tec.

well any ways i gotta run!
see ya!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


okay, so my last blog i prob didnt need to write all that, and some of it didnt make sence prob, but hey it was my way of trying to get it all out with out yelling!!!

so tafe for our group is really over, its going to be a bit odd, i think with out our group.but hey. im glaf i got to stay as a mentor to the next group i cant belive, that kris wonted me tosay of all people, like i new i was staying and all but when she said it on the day it was really cool, it made me relise i was for real staying on there next term.
and the Schollership that i got that was really good. i put $300 on school stuff, so that was good, and i found out about it, i really needed to hear good news, cause i was doing a work traie at the kabab shop, and i was feeling down about it and when kriss told me that made me really happy, so that was good.
ahh the holes are almost over that sucks big time, but hey all good things must come to a end!
but taqlking about good things, kietta and micheal got engajed so that was really good, so i guess not all good things have to come to a end! so that was really good when every one found out.
the funni thing was they told every one on a bit of a film clip type thing, and after woods some people mixed up micheal with joe(his big bro) and where comming up to him and saying way to go! so that was funni.

so anyways im out of things to write so bye XOXO

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Emo okay...

okay so we all know the word of emo, but do u all kno the meanig? like come on people dont understand them so they rip them off and it really does suck and hurt they dont know what emo is, they say people that are emo are only emo cause they wont attention, and what comes uder emo?come on i like the colour black and started wearing black a lil and darker stuff, and that ment i was emo, come on that dont mean, i am.and the hole emo cut just for people to notice them, that ant true ether i use to cut my self and it had nothing to do with any one else, it was a way of relise of anger and hurt and every thing. no one else new and i was doing it for awile, so people that think all this shit about them sould fuck off! and if you think or no that someone is "emo" then dont just critersize them talk to them in there tone and leave, but at the same time dont try and be all like oh no my life is so dead, cause thats just going to make some one wont to hit u in the face!

there are many types of emo there is musical,l fasion and many more.

why is it that people are thinking that emo it a cool look, they go oh yea look at me im emo ant i cool, or oh oh no im emo slash slash! thats why every one rips them of is because u get people that wont to be all like look at me and make them out to be like some wonna take over the world like cult, but that ant true.
emo has become the big fashion thing like the emo fring(long hair to the side on face)
and then u have to emo shoes, okay maybe not the biggest but come on supre even have there own lil emo part u walk into a shop and i be u that u will find a section that has emo/goth stuff.

okay so i went to some sites to see wat they say

1) emo - short for "emotional." Emo is a broad title that covers a lot of different styles of emotionally-charged punk rock.'s a musical way of it)

2) Personality
When referring to a person's personality and attitude, most definitions of emo hold that an emo person is emotionally candid, sensitive, shy, introverted, glum, and quiet.Emo personality is also often connected with writing poetry that addresses confusion, depression, loneliness, and anger, all resulting from the world's inability to understand the author. Emo poetry uses a combination of any of: a highly emotional tone; stream of consciousness writing; a simple (ABAB) or nonexistent rhyme scheme; references to the flesh, especially the heart; heavy use of dark or depressing adjectives; and concern over the mutability of time, love, or both. Themes such as life is pain are common
well there's a couple of things for u kno get the fuck of every one else's back!
BYE BYE!!!!!

last blog

this is prob the last blog im going to write, for tafe.

this is our second last week of tafe next week we are doing out tafe party so that sould be fun.

i get to spend my $500 this week(fingers crossed)

anyways to day at tafe was all right, we spent a bit of time down town so that was good, and we talked a lil bit about the party.

so im hopping that will be fun, im excited cause mi mum is comming and kietta and maybe annett so that will be good if all 3turn up. cause kietta is like a big sis and mum is mummy and anette is like afamily friend so yea.

i got to hang out with an old friend last week, it was odd at first then it got a bit better and we went for a drive and i was looking at the car that i use to love and thought it was the coolest, but now its like another car to me. but it was still good to talk facwe to face, cause he is one of them guys that u have a fight we then dont talk to then another fight and so one(btw thats over text to)and u only see him like was every 6months, so thats odd.

im going to miss tafe, i dont kno if ill be here for next term, i dont wont to have to go back to skool five days aweek i dont think i would be abel to do that, but hey what ever happins happins i guess. but there sure has been i lot of funni time and alot of sad times in the last year in a half, but im glad i got to come and be a part of this and i hope that many more girls/young woman get a chance to do this.

man on the way to tafe to tafe today nic and me were trying to go some where that was open and nothing was it was all closed, but we seen kietta and she gave us a life to maccas to get a feed and took us to pcyc aka tafe. so that was nice of her.its funni cause lietta and her fam are the type of people that would do any thing for u with in reason, and one of the things i love about her is he smile and laugh.

when we was down town today moe had her scarf and she left it back at one end of the mall and realised went we were right at the other end so we had to go back and get it, my daddy finaly paid up some money so im ganna go and get some new clothes with is so im excited :)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

mock court

so we had a mock court today, it was okay!

but we didnt win, but it was fun, i think our teacher, kris was a bit pissed off, cause i went over the same thing a couple of time's but yea. it shoud how hard it could be to have to go through it,it does hit u in the face tho, but i think it would be one thing that i would think of doing one day. but if trying to prove a rap with people that do kno each other and the victom knowing who it is would be so hard but i think if some one was raped and they didnt kno who they are and they found out who there were and had to go to court x amount of times would be just as hard but both of them in mental ways would be harder then the other.

and won of the other things that we founnd out is that rape is no longer called rape , it now gets called sexual intercorce with out concent, i think personally they sould just leave it the same way. but the mock court did open my eyes to how hard it would be to have to do that.but im glad we did it, i was looking forword to it, even tho we didnt win i dont think i would change it cause it was eye opaning to the fact that u dont get every thing that u wont, u'r way even if u think that some thong was in humane, but hey.

but in other news

Ive finally got my letter for my sponcer child, to getter so it will be cool if we get one back from her soon, i havnt really talked about her on this blog but her name is maria jose she is 9 i think, so thats cool, we dont really kno alote about her, (and by we i mean there are 3 other people sponcering her as well) but we kno that she is kinda lucky cause she has, her mum and dad there and she has siblings, and she likes to play group games, so the guys we're realy happy about that so they can tell her some game's that they play,so that will be cool.

Man last sunday, we went to kezza and drew's (man there so awesome they are all ways there if u need them they open there house to us alot on the weekends even if there not there)any ways we spent most of last week end in the arvo there, then we came back and spent a bit there later that night and we went there about 9ish but didnt leave till about 12.30 1 ish and that cause we made joe give us a lift back so yea!

Man we have to look after this puppy for rspca, and he is only 8months old and he is going into the puppy stage and he decided to try and fully chew of my rabbies nosie,(I KNO THAT SOUNDS A BIT KID LIKE but come on ive had it since my first easter so come on)so i kinda wasnt very happy about that and kick his ass about it.

my mummy is sick again i hate it when she is sick but wat really sucks is that its gone to her lungs but wat makes it even more bad is that mum is only a (i think) part timer and cause she has only just started working for them it make's it evan worse cause she looks unrlibal, and mum dont think she is going to have a job when she come's in so yea.

so last time i wrote on here, i was talking about how i was getting pains in my overys, well i found out that i have a lot of sist, there okay as long as they dont get much bigger and he thinks that the main of tyhe pain was prob cause they were twisting and bleeding, but they have seemed to stop doing that now, cause my pain that i was having has gone away, and i hope it stays away.

i won $500 from tafe im so happy about it, ive never won any thing like this before so yea

Thursday, May 24, 2007

pain's!!! and new baby's

okay so thing's are alover at the moment, ive been sick!

I got made to goto the doc's last week, before we got on to the pc's so did'nt write any thing and any ways, i went there and told the doc whats been going on and ive been getting pain's in my overy's and from the sound's of what i was telling him he dont like the sound of it, and i have to get an oltra sound, and im kinda scared cause i dont kno what they are going to find and 3 out of 4 thing's it could be mean's i might have to have surgery, and if they dont see any thing then they are going to leave it for a bit and then see if i still have the pain's in about6month's time and if i still hetting pain's then they have to put me in surgery , cut me open and put a microscop in side my stomic area, and have a look but that worse thing and if that happen's that mean's i could have this really odd disice witch pevents you from having kid's so ihope i dont have that.

talking about kids, alisha finaly had her lil girl, on satday, and she was so lil, they called her suzana, she is so beutiful, it took her long enoth to come out.but she's so awesome xoxo suzana :)

okay so at tafe we talked about the mock court we are going to do in alil bit at the UNE so that sould be fun. we didnt have many people at tafe to day so yeah, i dont really kno what else to write about tafe.

we got work experince next week so im hopping that will be okay, one of the 2dogs im looking after for RSPCA got sold and he is going on monday, but i think he is an ugly dog., but he is one of them dog's that grow on you. but we got another dog to look after on the weekend, so that was cool, he's named neo and his 8months old and he is very puppy like but not at the same time, he;s a big dog wanna lap dog, but all well

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

have you ever noticed how much guys eat!!!

okay so, i know its not friday just yet but i thought that i would just right a blog, maily cause ive got nothing better to do.

okay so to day hasnt been to bad the week seem's to be going okay.
so at skool one of the girls(i wont say who) got bashed but so did one of my mate's, he triped or something and any ways he was on the ground and a group of year 11's were kicking a socer ball into his rib and chest and were kicking him and hit him, that would of sucked! i hope he's okay

okay so have ever noticed how much guys eat? like i knew they ate a lot but come on, okay so i hang out with a group of people around my age kind and there is some times as little as 5of use to some times 20 and there were only 8 of us on sunday and they guys wonted to get 3pizza's and a heap of chips, like i didnt know they could make this many in one go, and 10litters of fizzi, and they guys ate it all and were still hungry as, but it was kinda funni
but when a heap of people left and it was just the 4of us letf we pulled out the x-box and played a couple of game's but wen we got to the halo i loved the game and didnt want to share the game around the being able to kill things and not being killed rock

well i got to go cya

Thursday, May 10, 2007

what da? arnt red fox's cute?

(okay red fox's are cute dont cha think?)

okay so what da... is going on with this blogy thing, one week i get logged into this accont, and the next week its another one, so i got no clue , but hey.

so a bit thats going on in my life, my mummy got a job so that mean's i dont have to get a job as much as more, so that's cool. one of my mate's nick told me the other week that he will give me my first driving lessions when i get my L's so thats cool, ahh i cant belive its mother's day on sunday, mum's all ready got he mother day thing, so thats cool. Tonight is going to be a bit full on, cause one of my mate's joe is talking tonight and mum is having a pary for a friend of her's with some people. so that should be fun and ive got to go out to night. so that will be a bit full on, but i know that it will still be fun no matter what. goes one!

okay so last week i said how i was going to coff's this sat and staying there and stuff, but now were not, it got made to be a day trip and now i cant go, cause there was ment to be 10guys and about 5chicks but now there's still 10guy and if amy and i go there will be only 2chicks, so i cant go but we (some of the girls) are going to go in about a week or 2time so its cool, just means i get more money to take up there.

so any wayz we had to get a jab today at skool, and every one was complayning about it hurting and stuff and it didnt, some of the tafe girls, i think have a allergic recation to the stuff that was in the jab, but so far some of us havnt had any thing wrong!

so we talked a bit more about anger today and in a lil bit of what we might be doing soon, we might be doing a mock court , sort of thing, so that will be cool.

okay well i am a rspca carer, so i get to help look after 1 or 2 dogs and a cat till they get home's some of them its really sad to look after them they are so beatin and sarved its really sad, but by the time they leave ud they are back to being like any normal dog, we were looking after a dog for about 3months, when we first got him he was skin and bones and didnt like being around people and was to scared to do any thing, but when he left us to go to his new home last sat, the people had seen him when he first came to us and the diffrence it that noe he loves to be around people he is no longer skin and bones he is very play full and loving, so he is very diffrent,

As good as it was to see him get a new homw it was still very sad to say by i have grown to love him

but i still got my cat (till he gets a home) call phantom, now i really love him, he came to us they day before sammy(the dog) and phantom is a really big suck up i love him, he sleeps on my bed of even on my back, but its not the nice's cause ya feel it in the morning. but he is 2year's old and is huge. but he is more like a kitten then some of the kittin's ive had in the past, so thats cool.

so anyways abit thats going on now,so at the moment there is a blog fight happening, and its in the class room over this blog thing,but if it is why are you starting a fight and the same thing if its some one out of this classroom, but one thing i do kno is its not me cause im writing this blogy thing now, but hope you found [out who's doing it bella, and chill out !


Thursday, March 29, 2007


im bored, so what been doin out there?

well im week, i didnt do much this week.
we did the last of the posters for youth week, i finally got mine done today, so i was happy, i didnt think i was ganna get it done.
tafe was good, the meaning of it and the hole yay its tafe has really worn of cause some of the girls that did it last year with me we were talkin about it and stuff, and some of the new girls were yea its so cool. and we were like yep. but tafe is still cool.

tonight should be fun i get to habgt out with friends i havnt seen in ages, were ganna go and play ten pin, cause the guys over ruled us,we were like we should all do some thing, it was ganna be rock climing but they changed it to ten pin, so that sound hope fully be fun :S

well im ganna go cya

Thursday, March 22, 2007

im bored and we still got 5mins left of tafe,
so im trying to find diffrent types of pics i can put on my bloger so it will have a diffrent one and wont go pic less.

man i love tafe,(even though i some times i hate it) it stoped me from being kicked out, and i got to meet new people, and its opened so much up to me and the other girls that come here.
so its really good well its time to go now for real bye x :)

well have fun

elmo's blogy blog


this is now my 3blog ive made they keep kicking me out i dont kno why?

hey, so anyways my week was okay till (i think ) i got bit by a spider, but im not sure,
but ment i didnt have to goto skool but im all good now.

well for people that havnt read any of my other blogs over the last 3weeks, well the last 3weeks have been a lil full on cause i got to help out at the show in town on the first night by getting to do the fire works, then i had to work the next but i had to pull poneys around never a gain i kno really really do not like them.
but only a coulple of days be fore that i had indented my head on the bus, now that hurt but my head was back to normal(beside the headacks)

well i dont really say but one thing i do hap e is that i dont get blocked of this site again.

i meet one of my friends, friends the other night on the phone, and ive been talking to them ever since, so yea.

well i better go wb

cute pup's

cute pup's

fake every day

fake every day