you jump of a clif..i laugh

you jump of a clif..i laugh

red fox

red fox

Thursday, May 24, 2007

pain's!!! and new baby's

okay so thing's are alover at the moment, ive been sick!

I got made to goto the doc's last week, before we got on to the pc's so did'nt write any thing and any ways, i went there and told the doc whats been going on and ive been getting pain's in my overy's and from the sound's of what i was telling him he dont like the sound of it, and i have to get an oltra sound, and im kinda scared cause i dont kno what they are going to find and 3 out of 4 thing's it could be mean's i might have to have surgery, and if they dont see any thing then they are going to leave it for a bit and then see if i still have the pain's in about6month's time and if i still hetting pain's then they have to put me in surgery , cut me open and put a microscop in side my stomic area, and have a look but that worse thing and if that happen's that mean's i could have this really odd disice witch pevents you from having kid's so ihope i dont have that.

talking about kids, alisha finaly had her lil girl, on satday, and she was so lil, they called her suzana, she is so beutiful, it took her long enoth to come out.but she's so awesome xoxo suzana :)

okay so at tafe we talked about the mock court we are going to do in alil bit at the UNE so that sould be fun. we didnt have many people at tafe to day so yeah, i dont really kno what else to write about tafe.

we got work experince next week so im hopping that will be okay, one of the 2dogs im looking after for RSPCA got sold and he is going on monday, but i think he is an ugly dog., but he is one of them dog's that grow on you. but we got another dog to look after on the weekend, so that was cool, he's named neo and his 8months old and he is very puppy like but not at the same time, he;s a big dog wanna lap dog, but all well

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cute pup's

cute pup's

fake every day

fake every day