you jump of a clif..i laugh

you jump of a clif..i laugh

red fox

red fox

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


ahh i hate being sick!

taking time of skool, is always a good thing in lil amounts, but when your home all week and sick and not alowed to do anything, then it becomes a big thing and that when it really does suck!!!

so anyways, when i baby sat for kris, her lil boi nas, is sick and i got it!
but hey what fun would lyf be if you didnt get sick sometimes?
so today, mum and me went around asking if any one would like to help with some found raising for RSPCA and some place's did but one of them gave us this lamp to give away in a raffel and i think it is the most uglyest thing i have ever seen, and i mean that in a nice kinda way so anyways, tafe starts up again soon, so that will be good,im kinda looking forward to that :)
well anyways i dont kno that so say so cya


quirky-flick said...

Sick boo whooo!

quirky-flick said...

Like youve been away for months , the maths teachers like..........Tonya ,never meet her.

cute pup's

cute pup's

fake every day

fake every day