you jump of a clif..i laugh

you jump of a clif..i laugh

red fox

red fox

Thursday, June 21, 2007

last blog

this is prob the last blog im going to write, for tafe.

this is our second last week of tafe next week we are doing out tafe party so that sould be fun.

i get to spend my $500 this week(fingers crossed)

anyways to day at tafe was all right, we spent a bit of time down town so that was good, and we talked a lil bit about the party.

so im hopping that will be fun, im excited cause mi mum is comming and kietta and maybe annett so that will be good if all 3turn up. cause kietta is like a big sis and mum is mummy and anette is like afamily friend so yea.

i got to hang out with an old friend last week, it was odd at first then it got a bit better and we went for a drive and i was looking at the car that i use to love and thought it was the coolest, but now its like another car to me. but it was still good to talk facwe to face, cause he is one of them guys that u have a fight we then dont talk to then another fight and so one(btw thats over text to)and u only see him like was every 6months, so thats odd.

im going to miss tafe, i dont kno if ill be here for next term, i dont wont to have to go back to skool five days aweek i dont think i would be abel to do that, but hey what ever happins happins i guess. but there sure has been i lot of funni time and alot of sad times in the last year in a half, but im glad i got to come and be a part of this and i hope that many more girls/young woman get a chance to do this.

man on the way to tafe to tafe today nic and me were trying to go some where that was open and nothing was it was all closed, but we seen kietta and she gave us a life to maccas to get a feed and took us to pcyc aka tafe. so that was nice of her.its funni cause lietta and her fam are the type of people that would do any thing for u with in reason, and one of the things i love about her is he smile and laugh.

when we was down town today moe had her scarf and she left it back at one end of the mall and realised went we were right at the other end so we had to go back and get it, my daddy finaly paid up some money so im ganna go and get some new clothes with is so im excited :)

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cute pup's

cute pup's

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fake every day