you jump of a clif..i laugh

you jump of a clif..i laugh

red fox

red fox

Thursday, May 10, 2007

what da? arnt red fox's cute?

(okay red fox's are cute dont cha think?)

okay so what da... is going on with this blogy thing, one week i get logged into this accont, and the next week its another one, so i got no clue , but hey.

so a bit thats going on in my life, my mummy got a job so that mean's i dont have to get a job as much as more, so that's cool. one of my mate's nick told me the other week that he will give me my first driving lessions when i get my L's so thats cool, ahh i cant belive its mother's day on sunday, mum's all ready got he mother day thing, so thats cool. Tonight is going to be a bit full on, cause one of my mate's joe is talking tonight and mum is having a pary for a friend of her's with some people. so that should be fun and ive got to go out to night. so that will be a bit full on, but i know that it will still be fun no matter what. goes one!

okay so last week i said how i was going to coff's this sat and staying there and stuff, but now were not, it got made to be a day trip and now i cant go, cause there was ment to be 10guys and about 5chicks but now there's still 10guy and if amy and i go there will be only 2chicks, so i cant go but we (some of the girls) are going to go in about a week or 2time so its cool, just means i get more money to take up there.

so any wayz we had to get a jab today at skool, and every one was complayning about it hurting and stuff and it didnt, some of the tafe girls, i think have a allergic recation to the stuff that was in the jab, but so far some of us havnt had any thing wrong!

so we talked a bit more about anger today and in a lil bit of what we might be doing soon, we might be doing a mock court , sort of thing, so that will be cool.

okay well i am a rspca carer, so i get to help look after 1 or 2 dogs and a cat till they get home's some of them its really sad to look after them they are so beatin and sarved its really sad, but by the time they leave ud they are back to being like any normal dog, we were looking after a dog for about 3months, when we first got him he was skin and bones and didnt like being around people and was to scared to do any thing, but when he left us to go to his new home last sat, the people had seen him when he first came to us and the diffrence it that noe he loves to be around people he is no longer skin and bones he is very play full and loving, so he is very diffrent,

As good as it was to see him get a new homw it was still very sad to say by i have grown to love him

but i still got my cat (till he gets a home) call phantom, now i really love him, he came to us they day before sammy(the dog) and phantom is a really big suck up i love him, he sleeps on my bed of even on my back, but its not the nice's cause ya feel it in the morning. but he is 2year's old and is huge. but he is more like a kitten then some of the kittin's ive had in the past, so thats cool.

so anyways abit thats going on now,so at the moment there is a blog fight happening, and its in the class room over this blog thing,but if it is why are you starting a fight and the same thing if its some one out of this classroom, but one thing i do kno is its not me cause im writing this blogy thing now, but hope you found [out who's doing it bella, and chill out !


1 comment:

quirky-flick said...

Hey Tonya i love the foxes they are soo cute your blog is cool to you go girl!

cute pup's

cute pup's

fake every day

fake every day