you jump of a clif..i laugh

you jump of a clif..i laugh

red fox

red fox

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

have you ever noticed how much guys eat!!!

okay so, i know its not friday just yet but i thought that i would just right a blog, maily cause ive got nothing better to do.

okay so to day hasnt been to bad the week seem's to be going okay.
so at skool one of the girls(i wont say who) got bashed but so did one of my mate's, he triped or something and any ways he was on the ground and a group of year 11's were kicking a socer ball into his rib and chest and were kicking him and hit him, that would of sucked! i hope he's okay

okay so have ever noticed how much guys eat? like i knew they ate a lot but come on, okay so i hang out with a group of people around my age kind and there is some times as little as 5of use to some times 20 and there were only 8 of us on sunday and they guys wonted to get 3pizza's and a heap of chips, like i didnt know they could make this many in one go, and 10litters of fizzi, and they guys ate it all and were still hungry as, but it was kinda funni
but when a heap of people left and it was just the 4of us letf we pulled out the x-box and played a couple of game's but wen we got to the halo i loved the game and didnt want to share the game around the being able to kill things and not being killed rock

well i got to go cya

1 comment:

quirky-flick said...

Hey Tonya nice lil blog cool!

cute pup's

cute pup's

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fake every day