you jump of a clif..i laugh

you jump of a clif..i laugh

red fox

red fox

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


ahh i hate being sick!

taking time of skool, is always a good thing in lil amounts, but when your home all week and sick and not alowed to do anything, then it becomes a big thing and that when it really does suck!!!

so anyways, when i baby sat for kris, her lil boi nas, is sick and i got it!
but hey what fun would lyf be if you didnt get sick sometimes?
so today, mum and me went around asking if any one would like to help with some found raising for RSPCA and some place's did but one of them gave us this lamp to give away in a raffel and i think it is the most uglyest thing i have ever seen, and i mean that in a nice kinda way so anyways, tafe starts up again soon, so that will be good,im kinda looking forward to that :)
well anyways i dont kno that so say so cya

Monday, July 16, 2007

baby sitting

we yesterday i baby sat for kris(tafe teacher)i baby sat nas and laney, it was fun, it got of to a bit of a bad start, but then it was all good with in 10-15mins after kris left i had the both of them LOL!

They we're so cute, and it was sort of a good thing that we we're on a a bit of land, cause you know when some ids LOL they like to yell and scream,we they started to do that and LOL so, i think if people had been able to hear that they would of been think i was trying to kill them of something!(but i wasnt )

well on sunday, i got to talk ad catch up with an friend i hadnt really seen, and any ways, we we're walking around taking people's P plates, but her bf was a bit (how do you say) not happy about it, and got her to put back the one's she got from people we know, but the funni thing is that she told me after that, later they went around doing it after he had been up set about it.

so anyways i went back to skool today yay!!!!(NOT).
we had to go see this guy speek it had to do with next gen so that was okay, i kept thinking about other things tho, but i seem to do that when ever i have to sit in a room and lisin to some one speek, like come i do it at skool, and evrn when i go to church some times it happens there too!
but its gotten worse since i got my mp3, but hey what can i say in my defence, im just keeping up with the tec.

well any ways i gotta run!
see ya!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


okay, so my last blog i prob didnt need to write all that, and some of it didnt make sence prob, but hey it was my way of trying to get it all out with out yelling!!!

so tafe for our group is really over, its going to be a bit odd, i think with out our group.but hey. im glaf i got to stay as a mentor to the next group i cant belive, that kris wonted me tosay of all people, like i new i was staying and all but when she said it on the day it was really cool, it made me relise i was for real staying on there next term.
and the Schollership that i got that was really good. i put $300 on school stuff, so that was good, and i found out about it, i really needed to hear good news, cause i was doing a work traie at the kabab shop, and i was feeling down about it and when kriss told me that made me really happy, so that was good.
ahh the holes are almost over that sucks big time, but hey all good things must come to a end!
but taqlking about good things, kietta and micheal got engajed so that was really good, so i guess not all good things have to come to a end! so that was really good when every one found out.
the funni thing was they told every one on a bit of a film clip type thing, and after woods some people mixed up micheal with joe(his big bro) and where comming up to him and saying way to go! so that was funni.

so anyways im out of things to write so bye XOXO

cute pup's

cute pup's

fake every day

fake every day