you jump of a clif..i laugh

you jump of a clif..i laugh

red fox

red fox

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Emo okay...

okay so we all know the word of emo, but do u all kno the meanig? like come on people dont understand them so they rip them off and it really does suck and hurt they dont know what emo is, they say people that are emo are only emo cause they wont attention, and what comes uder emo?come on i like the colour black and started wearing black a lil and darker stuff, and that ment i was emo, come on that dont mean, i am.and the hole emo cut just for people to notice them, that ant true ether i use to cut my self and it had nothing to do with any one else, it was a way of relise of anger and hurt and every thing. no one else new and i was doing it for awile, so people that think all this shit about them sould fuck off! and if you think or no that someone is "emo" then dont just critersize them talk to them in there tone and leave, but at the same time dont try and be all like oh no my life is so dead, cause thats just going to make some one wont to hit u in the face!

there are many types of emo there is musical,l fasion and many more.

why is it that people are thinking that emo it a cool look, they go oh yea look at me im emo ant i cool, or oh oh no im emo slash slash! thats why every one rips them of is because u get people that wont to be all like look at me and make them out to be like some wonna take over the world like cult, but that ant true.
emo has become the big fashion thing like the emo fring(long hair to the side on face)
and then u have to emo shoes, okay maybe not the biggest but come on supre even have there own lil emo part u walk into a shop and i be u that u will find a section that has emo/goth stuff.

okay so i went to some sites to see wat they say

1) emo - short for "emotional." Emo is a broad title that covers a lot of different styles of emotionally-charged punk rock.'s a musical way of it)

2) Personality
When referring to a person's personality and attitude, most definitions of emo hold that an emo person is emotionally candid, sensitive, shy, introverted, glum, and quiet.Emo personality is also often connected with writing poetry that addresses confusion, depression, loneliness, and anger, all resulting from the world's inability to understand the author. Emo poetry uses a combination of any of: a highly emotional tone; stream of consciousness writing; a simple (ABAB) or nonexistent rhyme scheme; references to the flesh, especially the heart; heavy use of dark or depressing adjectives; and concern over the mutability of time, love, or both. Themes such as life is pain are common
well there's a couple of things for u kno get the fuck of every one else's back!
BYE BYE!!!!!

last blog

this is prob the last blog im going to write, for tafe.

this is our second last week of tafe next week we are doing out tafe party so that sould be fun.

i get to spend my $500 this week(fingers crossed)

anyways to day at tafe was all right, we spent a bit of time down town so that was good, and we talked a lil bit about the party.

so im hopping that will be fun, im excited cause mi mum is comming and kietta and maybe annett so that will be good if all 3turn up. cause kietta is like a big sis and mum is mummy and anette is like afamily friend so yea.

i got to hang out with an old friend last week, it was odd at first then it got a bit better and we went for a drive and i was looking at the car that i use to love and thought it was the coolest, but now its like another car to me. but it was still good to talk facwe to face, cause he is one of them guys that u have a fight we then dont talk to then another fight and so one(btw thats over text to)and u only see him like was every 6months, so thats odd.

im going to miss tafe, i dont kno if ill be here for next term, i dont wont to have to go back to skool five days aweek i dont think i would be abel to do that, but hey what ever happins happins i guess. but there sure has been i lot of funni time and alot of sad times in the last year in a half, but im glad i got to come and be a part of this and i hope that many more girls/young woman get a chance to do this.

man on the way to tafe to tafe today nic and me were trying to go some where that was open and nothing was it was all closed, but we seen kietta and she gave us a life to maccas to get a feed and took us to pcyc aka tafe. so that was nice of her.its funni cause lietta and her fam are the type of people that would do any thing for u with in reason, and one of the things i love about her is he smile and laugh.

when we was down town today moe had her scarf and she left it back at one end of the mall and realised went we were right at the other end so we had to go back and get it, my daddy finaly paid up some money so im ganna go and get some new clothes with is so im excited :)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

mock court

so we had a mock court today, it was okay!

but we didnt win, but it was fun, i think our teacher, kris was a bit pissed off, cause i went over the same thing a couple of time's but yea. it shoud how hard it could be to have to go through it,it does hit u in the face tho, but i think it would be one thing that i would think of doing one day. but if trying to prove a rap with people that do kno each other and the victom knowing who it is would be so hard but i think if some one was raped and they didnt kno who they are and they found out who there were and had to go to court x amount of times would be just as hard but both of them in mental ways would be harder then the other.

and won of the other things that we founnd out is that rape is no longer called rape , it now gets called sexual intercorce with out concent, i think personally they sould just leave it the same way. but the mock court did open my eyes to how hard it would be to have to do that.but im glad we did it, i was looking forword to it, even tho we didnt win i dont think i would change it cause it was eye opaning to the fact that u dont get every thing that u wont, u'r way even if u think that some thong was in humane, but hey.

but in other news

Ive finally got my letter for my sponcer child, to getter so it will be cool if we get one back from her soon, i havnt really talked about her on this blog but her name is maria jose she is 9 i think, so thats cool, we dont really kno alote about her, (and by we i mean there are 3 other people sponcering her as well) but we kno that she is kinda lucky cause she has, her mum and dad there and she has siblings, and she likes to play group games, so the guys we're realy happy about that so they can tell her some game's that they play,so that will be cool.

Man last sunday, we went to kezza and drew's (man there so awesome they are all ways there if u need them they open there house to us alot on the weekends even if there not there)any ways we spent most of last week end in the arvo there, then we came back and spent a bit there later that night and we went there about 9ish but didnt leave till about 12.30 1 ish and that cause we made joe give us a lift back so yea!

Man we have to look after this puppy for rspca, and he is only 8months old and he is going into the puppy stage and he decided to try and fully chew of my rabbies nosie,(I KNO THAT SOUNDS A BIT KID LIKE but come on ive had it since my first easter so come on)so i kinda wasnt very happy about that and kick his ass about it.

my mummy is sick again i hate it when she is sick but wat really sucks is that its gone to her lungs but wat makes it even more bad is that mum is only a (i think) part timer and cause she has only just started working for them it make's it evan worse cause she looks unrlibal, and mum dont think she is going to have a job when she come's in so yea.

so last time i wrote on here, i was talking about how i was getting pains in my overys, well i found out that i have a lot of sist, there okay as long as they dont get much bigger and he thinks that the main of tyhe pain was prob cause they were twisting and bleeding, but they have seemed to stop doing that now, cause my pain that i was having has gone away, and i hope it stays away.

i won $500 from tafe im so happy about it, ive never won any thing like this before so yea

cute pup's

cute pup's

fake every day

fake every day