you jump of a clif..i laugh

you jump of a clif..i laugh

red fox

red fox

Thursday, March 29, 2007


im bored, so what been doin out there?

well im week, i didnt do much this week.
we did the last of the posters for youth week, i finally got mine done today, so i was happy, i didnt think i was ganna get it done.
tafe was good, the meaning of it and the hole yay its tafe has really worn of cause some of the girls that did it last year with me we were talkin about it and stuff, and some of the new girls were yea its so cool. and we were like yep. but tafe is still cool.

tonight should be fun i get to habgt out with friends i havnt seen in ages, were ganna go and play ten pin, cause the guys over ruled us,we were like we should all do some thing, it was ganna be rock climing but they changed it to ten pin, so that sound hope fully be fun :S

well im ganna go cya

1 comment:

ky said...

Hey Tonya, whats up? Your blog is crazy in a good way, but yeah. How have ya been?

cute pup's

cute pup's

fake every day

fake every day