you jump of a clif..i laugh

you jump of a clif..i laugh

red fox

red fox

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

im 16 almost and one too many drinks!!

Im all most 16!!!! oh yea!
so im happy to be 16 but there is no rish any more, its become like every one said just another number witch really sucks!
maybe it will get better when i wake up, it will be back(i can only hope right)
so anyways, im getting my nosie pissed to morra, for my b'day, cause i have wonted it sine i was like 10 and mum said if i still wonted it done when i turned 16 she would pay for it on my birthday so yay.

okay, so was does like have to be so full on sometimes, its like you need a time out from it sometimes, or you just wont to go back in time and change that one thing, like that oe sentence or that one move ment, or that one to many drinks.
like last night i went out with friends, and we got a cabben and every thing, and spent allmost $200 on grog alone. so it started out good, i got one of my good guy friends to come out to(but he dint drink)and have fun.
trust me he got the better side of things that night, he got the high lights, and was jus as funni as us but with out being drunk.
so before i go into the downs about what happend ill tell ya about the high lights(most of them turn out to not be so good,), free grog for me, free smokes, got to spend the night with friends,
but things i shouldnt have done was, drink on a emty stomic(never a good idea,)and scolled 2blue pules a red one and two woddy plus ontop every thing else i had to drink that night, taht was my first big no no.(I BLAME EVERY THING ON THE GROG)one of the other no no's i did was flirt around with a male friend who has a girlfriend, but the one big thing that pissed me off about all of it was the facked that we just went for a walk and talk, and cause they didnt see us we must of been "fucking", one of my new friends was telling me befor hand not to do anything with him, but yet she got him to give her a hikkie and she was flirting with him at one stage more then me(i dont class it has flirting cause all i was doing was lounging about on him)but hey what ya goin to do, but for real lounging on someone is not flirting, cause if it was then i was doing it with every one that was in the cabben with us, and them with me, i say it was in the name of fun.
The night went so wrong when (lets call them)billy and kerry stated to fight, and it wasnt just one thing it was over every thing, our fun night went strate to hell
but one thing is that i kno i will be remembering it for a lil longer, cause some how i mange to slice into my toe, the funni bit is i didnt feel i thing untill now, now it really really hurts!
and i have to go to work with it :(

okay some good news i finally got a job, but i got it a hungrys, but i dont care got to start some were and why not start some where,were you no people!
and plus i look at it this way i get paid at the end of the week!!!!OH YEA!!!!

well im going to have to leave it there untill the next big night happens

bye xox

cute pup's

cute pup's

fake every day

fake every day